Hi Julia! I'm also a PhD student and I love your work. I'm not a vegan, but here are some of my favorite vegan recipes that I like to keep on hand for friends :)

Smitten Kitchen Black Pepper Tofu and Eggplant - just use vegan butter


Thai Red Lentil Curry with Sweet Potatoes:


Lemony Chickpea Stew - here's the video, and I WILL pirate the recipe for you


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Grad student solidarity!! Ok I know and LOVE the smitten kitchen one, and will check out the other two!

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May 23Liked by Julia Golda Harris

i am absolutely not a good or creative cook but hoping to get a few staple recipes going so this is inspiring! i am a great lover of making smoothies and other than the usual fruit and peanut butter, i like adding some raw oats for a bit of thickness, and matcha powder - most of a spoonful if i want it to mostly just taste like matcha which sometimes i do, or like 1/3-1/2 spoonful for more balance

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ooh nice! oats in smoothies doesn't work for me for some reason (maybe in part bc i have a shitty blender), but the matcha is intriguing to me...like a matcha strawberry vibe perhaps!

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May 23Liked by Julia Golda Harris

I love this! It’s particularly helpful because I’ve been vaguely considering going back to veganism or vegetarianism or some loose cutting back of animal foods (after being vegetarian for a long time as a kid but eating meat for the last 15 years) and wanting to do so seemed to sort of come from nowhere. I’ve been wondering if there is something in the air, like maybe people who are somewhat inclined in that direction are pushed out of that dissociation that you describe during times when we are all especially aware of human suffering, like now?? But maybe that is overthinking it. Anyway, I appreciate this gentle and exploratory yet responsibility-taking approach.

I also am curious if you or anyone wants to

share thoughts about Clementine Morrigan, she keeps getting reposted into my life but I haven’t read anything of hers because I also see a lot of people complaining about her and she seems sort of reactionary and anti “cancel culture” in an annoying way. A month or so ago I saw some responses to something she wrote that was along the lines of “questioning social justice orthodoxy” about trans kids and medical care, and the quoted parts were very off-putting. Just curious because the reposes to her from people I generally trust are unusually varied.

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1. i think you're on to something here! i tend to believe that being in greater awareness with particular kinds of injustice and suffering begets more/broader openness and awareness - in this moment, a lot of us are trying to find ways to recognize and reject complicity with violence, and reducing or eliminating animal based foods from one's diet is completely aligned with this.

2. haha i knewwww that citing clementine morrigan would raise some sort of question/comment. thank you for your open and kind attitude! my thoughts on CM are complicated and i apologize in advance for the length of this comment lol. she's not somebody whose worldview/ideas i align with 100% of the time. specifically, the article you mentioned about trans kids i found largely iffy, in part because i think much of it is arguing against a straw-man idea of queer social justice orthodoxy in an unhelpful way, and she treats jesse singhal and katie herzog with way too much credulity. however, there are things that she's written (on polyamory, veganism, bisexuality) that i've really enjoyed and have changed my worldview at times! if you're curious about her, i'd say just read some of her writings and decide for yourself what you think. i in part enjoy reading her because i don't always agree with her, and i find it generative to think through my disagreement.

re: the cancel culture stuff, she's a really interesting figure. history books will be written about the left in 2020, and i think we can look back at this point and see that there was a collective manic culture of online cancellation that a LOT of people got sucked into. she was a victim of that (I remember watching her cancellation happen in real time, and it was wild, even though i didn't really have the wherewithal to think critically about it at the time). for the most part, i don't find her anti cancel-culture stuff to be reactionary. some of it i agree with, and some doesn't resonate with me that much (or, again, is overly broad or straw-man-ish about its understanding of social justice ideology). but yeah online left cultures have been psy-opped to hell, and i see her as someone who has experienced that first hand, been traumatized by it, and has an interesting perspective. i could write several more paragraphs here but i won't lol. anyway, thanks for your comment!!

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Ahhh, that makes sense! Thanks for the response, I love lengthy explanations lol!

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